For speaking engagements and all media inquiries please contact:
Adria Belport
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What Sonya Teaches
- Creating Memorable Speeches
- Presentation Skills for Capturing and Holding Any Kind of Audience
- Effective Communication Skills so Others Can Understand You
- One-On-One Communication: Peers, Staff, Management and Clients
- Meetings: How to Lead and Participate Successfully -- and Be Memorable
- Understanding Group Dynamics; Handling Different Personalities
- Conflict Resolution and The Art of Persuasion
- Negotiation Skills and Secrets
- Handling Stage Fright and Performance Anxiety
What You'll Learn from Sonya's Lecture-Demonstrations, Seminars and Workshops
Sonya presents in an informal, hands-on style with audience involvement, role plays, visual
materials and humor. Covering all the material above she customizes each program to the specific
needs of the audience she is addressing. Topics include:
- New and effective communication and presentation techniques
- Great warm-ups and openings
- Enhancing your natural communications style
- Presenting yourself as a leader
- What it takes to get others to listen
- Sonya's "Pre-Think" strategies
- Sonya's "Know-Your-Audience" Checklists: -- what makes people listen
- Handling Being Questioned: Discovering great answers
- Closure: Getting to Agreement and Action
- How to Handle Performance Anxiety
Sonya's Presentations, Seminars and Workshops are totally customized for your group's needs.
What You'll Gain from Personal Coaching/Consulting
Today's tech-savvy world is making talking and listening obsolete, but you cannot sell a
product, a service or yourself with personally connecting with your audience of one or many.
Sonya's coaching and consulting will help you find your own best ways to deliver your message -
and help you understand what goes into effective communicating today. Format includes role
playing, editing and re-writing as well as videotape and replay.
Topics include:
Personal Presentation Skills
- Conquering stage fright and performance anxiety
- Understanding audiences and how to motivate them
- Making your message visual - graphically and verbally
- Improvising and spur of the moment answers
- Organizing material: the secret weapon
- Explaining, persuading and anticipating needs
Management and Relationship Skills
- Solving individual issues
- Developing new communication skills for today
- Becoming compelling and persuasive in your natural style
- Cultivating leadership skills
- Handling hostility, boredom and indifference
- Establishing credibility
- Criticizing effectively and giving bad news
- Motivating and inspiring
- Getting at the truth
Interested in scheduling an appointment to discuss your business communication needs? Click here.